Product Proofing – ORI Future

New Arrival Big Sale (LIMITED TIME) - GLAZER mini

After going through many verification iterations, we decided to produce a batch of prototypes to verify the process and assembly process. We used the silicone coating process for the plastic parts to make ten sets of them. The mechanical properties of the plastic parts after the coating are closer to the effect of mass production injection molding. Verifying the reliability of the design of the plastic parts is a cost-effective trial production process.

Metal parts are still processed in batches using CNC machining centres. After processing, surface treatment is performed, and assembly is finally completed. Additionally, various ice inserts are processed through CNC machining centres as well.
Although the GLAZER Press looks very small and can be picked up with only one hand, its production is challenging. The product consists of 51 parts and a total of 138 parts. The production capacity will be lower if a fully automatic or semi-automatic assembly line is not used. Don’t worry; we have teamed up with an excellent team from the former DJI NPI department to help us push the product to mass production, and we are in the process of trial production.
Although some problems still need to be solved and optimized, this small batch trial production succeeded overall. Shortly, this product will appear on a real production line.